Friday, August 29, 2008

1 Down, 80 or so to Go!

Well, it feels like I just started school 5 days ago, but I have actually finished a whole week already!! Only about 80 weeks left to go!! So, I'm pretty much done now, and I have to say, I'm not sure I learned all that much. Something about a balance sheet, if I remember correctly.

Val and the kids are being very patient with the busy schedule, although Zach has been giving me dirty looks every once in a while (that could be completely unrelated). I have been getting home at a decent time, but I have spent most of every night doing homework after the kids are in bed. With my laptop and all of my books, the kids are very excited to have more things to get in trouble for playing with. Amazingly, they get older every time I come home. Ethan is already acting like a teenager half the time. We're very proud. Alexa, by the way, just noticed that sometimes I have little tiny hairs growing out of my face. I tried to explain that these hairs are the reason I smear white stuff all over my face and drag that funny-plastic-thing-she-can't-play-with across it. She first noticed me doing that a couple of months ago and said, "Daddy, you are erasing you!" Not sure if she meant that literally or figuratively, but, either way, she makes a good point.

It is nice, though, to go unshaven and dress down a little more. I still can't quite feel comfortable in shorts and a t-shirt yet, but I'm rocking the jeans Friday all week long. Looking at my classmates, I see an amazing variety of dress, from the recent graduate in flip flops to the guy who can't stop wearing a tie every day. I think I am safely in middle ground, with a slight lean toward more dressed up.

I'm still trying to sell my Altima (any takers?), and find something that gets comparable mileage to a moped. I could probably just hitchhike on 35W every morning-I think they are all going to the same place I am anyway. I'm still a little annoyed that no one has perfected the personal jetpack yet! Apparently, people just can't get used to that warm sensation on their backsides; I mean, you could sell them with a pair of fireproof pants. I gotta say, the future hasn't quite lived up to the hype. What was I talking about?


Jules said...

I hereby christen this post. :) Your children are so cute! I can't wait to see them! If all goes well we'll be in TX in Dec. The slideshow Val has on her blog is awesome!

valgae said...

Dang you got a good lookin wife!! hehehehe.....;)

FuquaFamily said...

I finally got a chance to read your blog. Thanks for the 80's flash back with the background music. It sounds like you are off to a good start with school. Did you ever turn in your backpack for a grown up laptop case?

Ed said...

Nope! I decided to stay youthful vs professional, but I did get a good deal on a better backpack. Ultimately, there is no shoulder bag that can carry all the carp I have to lug around every day. There are a lot more backpacks around than I saw initially, too.